dimecres, 8 de juny del 2011

Final reflection

-Observing your SPACE, can you see an improvement on your level of English since September 2010? Where, for example?
I can see that I improvement a little. The diference is that I have much vocabulary and I writing with much fluidese and much continous. One example is that now I do the sentences much large.

-Which activity best shows your level of English? I thing that the activity that show my level was the oral exam, because is the maximum that i can do.

-Which activities were really Useful for you to improve your English? Why?
My opinion is that the blog is the best tool because I writing there many times and with the time I can learn.

-Which activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not?
I don't konw, I thing that all result util, and the continuity is the important.

-Which activities did you enjoy doing and would like to do again next year?
Activities like this year, because I think that it is cash

dilluns, 6 de juny del 2011


Two firends, Agustin and Mery, met in a park and Agus saya t mery:

-Hello Mery, how are you?

-I’m fine, thanks, and you?

-I’m not good


-Because I have a problem. The last week I stolen in a bank half milion dolars, I stolen in a house ten thousen dolars. With this Money, I buy cocaine and I sned in Colombia and the police hnow it and tommorrow is the judice

-.What!!!?? You are crazy???

-Wait! Waiy! I do this because the mafia obligad my, if I didn’t, they Hill my family and torturing my hard.

Agus begin of cry

-Oh sorry. Well, goodbye, see later.

-And Mery go his way in the time that Agus cry and from the impotente he suicided

divendres, 3 de juny del 2011

In 2015 there will 15000 milions of TV with internet

The television with internet will a essential electrodomestic in the future, agree the predictions of the director of the 'Future Casting & Experience Research' on Intel, Brian Johnson. The televiosion will diferent of the actually television. The television will a mix of games, aplications and social network. The principal diference is that the people will can socializet with friends and will can study, in general serve to conected in the world. This televisions will have a intelegent program that can at the user to choose the programm that must like he, and with this program the publicity will come to the user.
This televisions will positives in the world in my opinion. For my too will positive because will have PC and TV in one machine

Eduardo Punset Casals

Eduardo Punset Casals is a jurist, writer, economist and Spanish science writer, that in the past was politic. Was bron in Barcelona in November 9, 1936. He graduated in Law from the University of Madrid and Master in Economics in Londres.Is one of the best economists in the world: he was redactor economic in BBC, president of Bull Technological Institute and deputy director general of Economic and Financial Studies Hispanic American Bank. He is author of diferents books agree economie and social reflexion. He came in the program of Buenafuente and explain the cuases of the crisis.

dijous, 2 de juny del 2011

EE UU put at Spain in the five countries much "pirates"

The congrese of EE UU put at Spain in the five countries much "pirates", agree that the last document of International Anti-Piracy Caucus.
This is a "problem" that share with Canadá, China, Rusia and Ucrania. This comite (IAPC) is formed with seventy senators and analyzed the illegal downloads of music and the films in all of the world and say that Spain go the good way legislatively
The worse country is China, that lose 35000 milions of euros, a terrorific number. The IAPC is lamented for the situation of Spain, because they know that Spain lack to arms for combat this problem

This problem don't afected me,
otherwise, beneficied me because I can download music free. In the world, in general is negative because the autor lose very money

dimecres, 1 de juny del 2011

The 46% of uneployment have one year of searching work

The 46% of uneployment have one year of searching woork, 10% much than the last year. This people, the majority can become excluied. This is a very sad notice, bur is true. The people that have 5 or 4 years searching woork fail in a very desmotivated and destructuration personal. The uneploiment in Spain arrived almost 5 milions, a painful number, result of the bad managament of the governament. I remember once that Zapatero says "the uneploiment don't will arrived at the 4 million, an now I think "are you fucking kiding me?". In one document of Caritas say that the catholic church formed 83.952 persons, and the 20% meet woork. What a surprise!. The type of uneploiment that go to Caritas are womens and imigrant between 25 and 35 years with a basic level of formation. The causes of uneployment are much deep than it looks, because how begin to study someone that haven't to eat?.
Much of uneployment are in the black market, because is the only option. If one person can't life
worthily with the way legal, doesn't have much options that trafic or things of this way.
This reality afected in the world negativament because if one country have a crisis, this crisis expanded. This notice afected negativament at me too because if the contry goes wrong, idirectament I groes wrong mor or less.

dimarts, 31 de maig del 2011



Italy is a country of Europe, member of the Europe Union. Is wrapped for the Mediterrany sea. Have two islands: Sicilia and Sardenya. In the nord is wrapped for the Alpes. His capital is Roma. Have 60,5 milion of habitants. His PIB is 2,399.287 for habitant. Italia issues 7,7 tons of CO2. The life expectancy is 62,8 ages. The 87.8% of the population is Catholic. It meets in church every Sunday for 30.8% of respondents between 18 and 24. The architecture of ancient Rome is characterized by the grandeur of the buildings, and its strength has enabled many of them persist to this day.

dijous, 26 de maig del 2011

Review: The house of wax

The house of wax talk about a group of universitaries want go to a see a important futbol match, but had problems and acamping in a wood. In the morning they see that the car need a cable and searching a town. Two of the group meet a toen and searching a petrol station and see that the town is desertic and there aren'r people, but in the way a strange person rapt a one of they and he become a figure of wax. The strange person begin to kill they and become figures of wax. The supervivents meet a house of wax that all the figures are a persons in ture, but covered with wax. In the final the supervivents burn the house with the assesine. Later the police comes and the supervivents come to his house.

dissabte, 14 de maig del 2011

My excursion of Sant Pere de Rodes

The friday 13th of May I decide do a excursion for the mounatin that is up of Palau Saverdera. I put my bike and from Empuriabrava I went Palau. I tie my bike and I went for a way that up all the mountain for a recreation area of Mas Ventós The seen was fantastic, I can see Roses, Sta Margarida, Empuriabrava, the Pirineu, Figueres, and even the island Medes. in general i can see all the region of Emporda. I never was there and was very beautiful. I meet other way and I follow. I meet a bifurcation and i decide follow the way left. This way crossed the mountain for up and had on the other hand of the mountain. Here, I can see the Port de la Selva ,Llança and la Selva de Mar. The way had me a monastery of Santa Helena,that was little. From here, I can see the monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes. This monastery impresioned my because was very big and I unknow of this existence. I aproach and I see for a while because was late and I had to retorn in my house.
In true my objectine wasn't went to St Pere de Rodes, my objective was walk for the mountain
and discovering as.

Sant Pere de Rodes

Monastery of Santa Helena

Seen from Mas Ventós

The four Barça-Mandril of 2011

In April of 2011 the world can see a incredible things. In this month play four matchs of Futbol Club Barcelona and Real mandril. The first was the day 16.Plays in Bernabeu. Is a match of the league in the jornate 33. This is a importants match of Madrid because can reduce the distance with Barça at 5. For the Barça is important too, but less. Barça can the posibiltie that extend the distance in 11 points. The match was very very adjusted and first mark Messi in a penalty and later mark Ronlado in a penalty too. Barça exit beneficiuos because the distance is 8 point, like before. The second match was the day 20. Plays in Mestalla It’s the final of Copa del Rey!!. The match was very intensive and ajusted. In the final mark Ronaldo in prorroga and Madrid wins. Barça plays very good than Madrid, but Madrid wins. The match three was the day 27. Plays in Bernabeu. It’s the ida of the semifinal of Champions league. This match has a polemic actions and was very intenseive. Barça mark two goals in bernabeu and have food in the final. This match don’t like because has more polemic actions and little play. The match four was in Camp nou at three of May. Was the back of Champions league. This match was lass polemic and had mor futbol. In the first mark Messi and later Marcelo. In the final 1-1 and Barça pass at the final with Manchester United.

In my opinion the matchs don’t like me because have very polemic, little futbol and the players of Spanish Selection the majority are in Barça and Madrid and the relationships can will become bad.

divendres, 22 d’abril del 2011

The crash of 29

The crash of 29 was a periode of time that Unite States began in a hard crisis. In the first of decade of 20, Unite States experimented a grow economic and the productivity because in the final of First World War the european countries asking money at USA for the reparationes of the war. The people trust that the walth during for always, but this is imposible. The majority of people invest in stop market. The people can't buy all of the products that the business produced because the people charge a litle. The sobreproduction began. The banks not have liquid money. The all people began of retire the money of the stop market, and the consequences was very negatives because the price down very match, and the people lost much money. The consum down and the uneployment up very much. The majoirity of banks crash. Much people began live to the street and the central park, in Hoovervilles. Have this name because when produced the crash the president was Hoover. The crash was extended in the world.

My first concert: MegadetH - Slayer

Megadeth and Slayer are a two big groups of thrash metal. The two are for USA and began in the first of decade of '80. Megadeth,generalment,speak of things of the cotidian life and critique the governament of USA. Slayer is much radical, citique the governament to USA too citique the religion and speak of the war. In 2011 Megadeth decide do a tour for Europe (The European Carnage Tour), and the first of April play in Barcelona. I travell to BCN with train and metro. In seven o'clock open doors and began to play the teloneros, Angelus Apatrida, a thrsh metal band of Spain, and the half past eight began Megadeth. I was in file five and I very exitning because I saw my favourite groups.The people was very exiting too. In megadeth the people began do mosh pit a little, but in Slayer the mosh pit was continous. In the began i has a little fear of the mosh pit, but later I enter there and was very funny. Later of the mosh pit I tired because i don't have air because the space was little and we much people. When Megadeth finish his actuations launch picks and Dave Mustaine launch his wrist and when Slayer finish launch picks too and the baterist launch his drumsticks. In the exit the pakistanies sale water, beer and coke and I buy a coca-cola because i tired and i needed liquid. The concert finish at 23:45 mor or less.

dissabte, 5 de març del 2011

Review: American pie

Four boys has obsesioneited for lose the virginity and do a pact for help: all have fornicate before began the university. His ultim oportunity are dance of graduation. This day, Jim,
lose with Nadia, and decided fornicated with the boring Michelle. For his part, Oz discovered this part much sentimental and he enamored for Heather. Finch forniqued wtih the mother of Stifler. For last, Kevin, forniqued with Vicky, but wasn't easy because Vicky has fear to sex

Oral presentation


India is a country of Asia of suth. Is the second most pobled country. His frontiers are ocean indic and Pakistan and China. Is a region historic for his comercial routes and big empires. Four of the religiuous most important in the world are from India: the hinduism, budism,jainism and sijism. England conquisted India in the nineteen century and was independized in nineteen fourty seven

Organization territorial and geografy

India is formed for twenty eight estats. All of estats choose his president and legislatures for the model of Westminister.Seventy five milions of years ago the plaque of India colisioned of plaque of Asia. The colision fored the bigest mountain in the world, Himalaia. Almost all of the rivers of India born In Himalaia.

In the parts west of India are the swamp Rann the Kutch. The clima are very influenced for Himalaia and the desert of Thar. The Himalia defended India of thecold wind and the desert brought dampness, in this way, India is a hot country


Since ninteen fifty until ninteen eighty the econmy have tendencies socialist. In nineteen ninety one the economy became a capitalist. The PIB up six for one hundred. Apart from India have the power of working more big of the world. The agriculture represent the twenty eight for one hundred of the PIB and the industtry represent the fivety four and the eighteen respectivament. The principal industry are textile, chemical, and steel. The estadics speak of the PIB multiplicqued for four in two thousen twenty


India have eleven sexty milions habitants, is the second county much pobled in the world. The habitants urbans multipliqued for eleven in century twenty. In two thousen one was theerty five citys with much one milion of habitants. India have two big families linguistics: the indio-aria (speaked for the seventy four for one hundred of the habitants) and the dravida (speaked for the twenty four for one hundred of the habitants. The english is utilized in negotiate and the high teaching. The eighty for one hundred of habitants are hindus, the theerteen are musulmans, the two are cristians and the one are budists.

The Ornithorhynchus anatinus

This is a type of mammalian of thw west of Australia.
The ornitorrinco have beak of duck, tail of castor and legs of nutria. Put egs . Is a one of the litle mammalian that are poisonus.
In the beginin of century XX the people hunter he but now are proibed hunter he. The first discovered was in 1798 for John Hunter.
Morfology: in general are brown in the part of up, and in the abdomen are blond. The tail is similar at the castor, but the ornitorrinco use the tail for swiming in the water and is a warehouse of fat too. Have the half of parts olfativs that the mammalian, but the ornitorrinco can sniff in the down of thw water

The governament invest 1.151 milions for save energy

The Consejo of ministres aproved this friday one numerical sequence of ways of save energy.
This sequences reduce 5% the importaments of fuel and the invest are 1151 milions of euros. One of this sequences is reduced the speed in the autopists for 110 kilomiters and reduced 5% the price of the RENFE. This sequences during for the 30 of June.
The plans afected 20 ways that afected the transort public. Spain import the 75% of energy that consume and supered the midle of Europe. As well save energy, with this plans will avoid to throw with the atmosfera 12,5 milions of toneladas of CO2

dimecres, 2 de març del 2011

USA send two ship of war in Libia (2-3-11)

USA send two ship of war in Libia with 2000 tripulants. The objective is reforced the the capacity of evacuation and the help humanity. One of the ships, Kearsarge, take 400 tripulants of the Afganistan.
The second ship is the Pnce a boat that suporrt only 3 marines, although can take 800 in cas of danger.
The govern of USA study the posibility of began a war with Libia.
The Special Air Service are prepare for the control of 10 toneladas of gas mostaza that are almacened in 3 diferents places.

dissabte, 26 de febrer del 2011

When I was litle

When I was litle was very extroverted and energic. I not was shy. I had black and short hair and black eyes too. I was tall and a litle fat. I had big ears and litle hands. I was a sincere person and trust. I liked play football and play a computer games and and I very liked explore the mountains. I didn't like the wolfs, because I had nightmears with them. Too I didn't like the Real Mandril, this before and now XD. I started swiming at the 3 years and started football at the six years. The programs of TV that I liked was: Doraemon, Shin Chan, The Simpsons, Pokemon, Digimon, Dragon Ball ,the Detectiu Conan and Sakura la caçadora de cartes.

diumenge, 20 de febrer del 2011

My favourite fruite: the kiwi

The kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) is a climber plant originity in Himalaya and cultivized in New Zeland for 1904. In the interior is fleshy and for outside is hairy. The pulp is green and with small seed. For the polinizacion the plant need that the insects intervining.
The oldest testimony for the use of kiwi goes back in 1200 a.c. . In the actuality Italia, New Zeland, Japan, and USA lidered the comerce of kiwi. The plant can reach nine meters. The properties are: vitamin c, luteina, fibra, cobre, potasio, folfato, magnesio and vitamin e

dissabte, 19 de febrer del 2011

The revolution egipcie 2011

The revolution egipcie is a street manifestacions that begin in 25 of January in Egipt. Is conduced for a group of socialists and inspired for the revolution tuneced. Is origined for the protest of the the power of the police, the number of uneployment, the desire of increase the wage, the low of aliments and much things, the corrupcion, and the unfreedom. The principal reason of this revolution is the expulsion of the power at the president Moubarack, that was in the power for 30 years. The day 25 of January too is reconized for The Day of the rage, and beginig the manifestacions In Alejandria, the Cairo, Suez and Ismaila. This day Mubarak closed Twiter and the social network. This revolutions finalized in 11 of February, beacuse Mubarak renuncied

dimarts, 15 de febrer del 2011

My favourite plant: the poppy

The poppy can measure 50 centimeteres. Have four petals that are very delicats. Bloom in spring. Before os the bloom the petals can eat, but have efects sedants and this consum decrease. Are susally see poppys because grown in all camps and very fast. The poppys too use for a cosmetics in the north of Africa, in Suth America and the west os Asia. The poppys have efects sedants if eaten in excess, abdominal discomfort and headache. Have many little seeds

dilluns, 17 de gener del 2011

Real Betis Balompie

Real Betis balompie is a team of football of the Sevilla city that in this year are in second sivision . In the past was the first anadaluz team of plays in first division. This titles are one ligues and two copas del rey. Was funded in 12 of september of 1907. Is the six team in number of fans in Spain (3,3%). The rival of Betis are Sevilla. This coach is Pepe Mel and the president is Rafael Gordillo. This stage is Estadio Benito Villamarin, and have 56432 of capacity. The first equipament are: t-shirt wtih lines with colours withe and green, the second are all green kiwi and the three equipament are yellow