dijous, 2 de juny del 2011

EE UU put at Spain in the five countries much "pirates"

The congrese of EE UU put at Spain in the five countries much "pirates", agree that the last document of International Anti-Piracy Caucus.
This is a "problem" that share with Canadá, China, Rusia and Ucrania. This comite (IAPC) is formed with seventy senators and analyzed the illegal downloads of music and the films in all of the world and say that Spain go the good way legislatively
The worse country is China, that lose 35000 milions of euros, a terrorific number. The IAPC is lamented for the situation of Spain, because they know that Spain lack to arms for combat this problem

This problem don't afected me,
otherwise, beneficied me because I can download music free. In the world, in general is negative because the autor lose very money

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