divendres, 22 d’abril del 2011

The crash of 29

The crash of 29 was a periode of time that Unite States began in a hard crisis. In the first of decade of 20, Unite States experimented a grow economic and the productivity because in the final of First World War the european countries asking money at USA for the reparationes of the war. The people trust that the walth during for always, but this is imposible. The majority of people invest in stop market. The people can't buy all of the products that the business produced because the people charge a litle. The sobreproduction began. The banks not have liquid money. The all people began of retire the money of the stop market, and the consequences was very negatives because the price down very match, and the people lost much money. The consum down and the uneployment up very much. The majoirity of banks crash. Much people began live to the street and the central park, in Hoovervilles. Have this name because when produced the crash the president was Hoover. The crash was extended in the world.

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