dissabte, 19 de febrer del 2011

The revolution egipcie 2011

The revolution egipcie is a street manifestacions that begin in 25 of January in Egipt. Is conduced for a group of socialists and inspired for the revolution tuneced. Is origined for the protest of the the power of the police, the number of uneployment, the desire of increase the wage, the low of aliments and much things, the corrupcion, and the unfreedom. The principal reason of this revolution is the expulsion of the power at the president Moubarack, that was in the power for 30 years. The day 25 of January too is reconized for The Day of the rage, and beginig the manifestacions In Alejandria, the Cairo, Suez and Ismaila. This day Mubarak closed Twiter and the social network. This revolutions finalized in 11 of February, beacuse Mubarak renuncied

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