dissabte, 5 de març del 2011

The Ornithorhynchus anatinus

This is a type of mammalian of thw west of Australia.
The ornitorrinco have beak of duck, tail of castor and legs of nutria. Put egs . Is a one of the litle mammalian that are poisonus.
In the beginin of century XX the people hunter he but now are proibed hunter he. The first discovered was in 1798 for John Hunter.
Morfology: in general are brown in the part of up, and in the abdomen are blond. The tail is similar at the castor, but the ornitorrinco use the tail for swiming in the water and is a warehouse of fat too. Have the half of parts olfativs that the mammalian, but the ornitorrinco can sniff in the down of thw water

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