Two firends, Agustin and Mery, met in a park and Agus saya t mery:
-Hello Mery, how are you?
-I’m fine, thanks, and you?
-I’m not good
-Because I have a problem. The last week I stolen in a bank half milion dolars, I stolen in a house ten thousen dolars. With this Money, I buy cocaine and I sned in Colombia and the police hnow it and tommorrow is the judice
-.What!!!?? You are crazy???
-Wait! Waiy! I do this because the mafia obligad my, if I didn’t, they Hill my family and torturing my hard.
Agus begin of cry
-Oh sorry. Well, goodbye, see later.
-And Mery go his way in the time that Agus cry and from the impotente he suicided
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