divendres, 22 d’abril del 2011

My first concert: MegadetH - Slayer

Megadeth and Slayer are a two big groups of thrash metal. The two are for USA and began in the first of decade of '80. Megadeth,generalment,speak of things of the cotidian life and critique the governament of USA. Slayer is much radical, citique the governament to USA too citique the religion and speak of the war. In 2011 Megadeth decide do a tour for Europe (The European Carnage Tour), and the first of April play in Barcelona. I travell to BCN with train and metro. In seven o'clock open doors and began to play the teloneros, Angelus Apatrida, a thrsh metal band of Spain, and the half past eight began Megadeth. I was in file five and I very exitning because I saw my favourite groups.The people was very exiting too. In megadeth the people began do mosh pit a little, but in Slayer the mosh pit was continous. In the began i has a little fear of the mosh pit, but later I enter there and was very funny. Later of the mosh pit I tired because i don't have air because the space was little and we much people. When Megadeth finish his actuations launch picks and Dave Mustaine launch his wrist and when Slayer finish launch picks too and the baterist launch his drumsticks. In the exit the pakistanies sale water, beer and coke and I buy a coca-cola because i tired and i needed liquid. The concert finish at 23:45 mor or less.

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