dilluns, 29 de novembre del 2010
Harry Potter and the dethlly hallows (first part)
Harry Potter and th dethlly hallows is a movie of science fiction and action. This movie was represented in cinemas spanish in 25 of November of 2010. The movie speak of what Voldemort, the first enemy of Harry, whon kill Harry, and Harry scaped of he and seacrh the orocruses, beacuse this formed part of Voldemort, and yes Harry destroyed the orocruses, Voldemort deth. In this time, Voldemort search the dethlly hallows, because the dethlly hallows are the objects mor power of the world. In the final of first part of Harry Potter 7, Voldemort met of one of the dethlly hallows, that is the wand most power of the world.
In my opinion this is a great movie, because is intresting and have action and have a open end.
dijous, 18 de novembre del 2010
Oral presentation
Why I selected this country?
Because this country form part of my. My father born in Senegal. I have very famaily there and in Spain. In the future I would liketravel in Senegal because I have see my family and the landscape
History of my father in senegal
My father born in Kahelbessel in 3 of May of 1966. In the age of six went to the school. The level of my father is primary, because he have problems of language, he speak Fula ( language of the zone) and the language principal is french. Even that my father always working in agriculture ramadery and help his mom in house working.When he was teenager, in the holidays of summer he give water at the cows. In the free time he was dedicated to hunt wirh his dogs rabits,boars and birds with one tirachinas. Too seacrh wood of his mather and fishing.When he was eigthteen, he working in a fields to cover personalspendings, he produced cotton. He haveicome anuals of 180€, at the same time he did buy and sale animals, goats for example and too sale leña
Organiced politic administartive
In 2009 Senegal account with 15 regions, 45 departaments, 46 comunas de distrito, 113 comunas of city and 370 towns rurals. The towns was diriged for one boss and are the cells basics of this organized. The regions are: Dakar, Diourbel, Fatick, Kaffrine, Kolda, Kedougou, Louga, Matam,Saint-Louis, Tambacounda, Kaolack, Sedhiou, Thies, Ziguinchor and Casamance
My father live in the region of Casamnace, departament of Kolda and comuna de distrito of Velengara and the town Kahelbessel.
Geografy of on my father lives
Senegal is situed in the part west of continent african.In the area on he live was very trees. It was a area with very vegetation, the most of the vegetation was eatable, for example trees frutarials and vegetable, are not cultivet. In resum mor or less are a zone selvatic. All it is in the first, later the franchutes and the italians cut the tress. Now is a sabana
Economy general of Senegal
In January of 1994, Senegal began one brave and ambicious program of reform economic. This reform began with 50% of devaluation of the coneis of Senegal. After saw “contraer” his economy 2,1% in 1993, Senegal has a important upturn, thanks program of reform, with one graw real in the PIB 5% annual during 1995-200
1. The inflation annual has reduced 1%, but grow 3,3% in 2001. The PIB grow 13,8% a 16,5% in 1997. The activitis privates now account 82% of the PIB. In the part negative, Senegal enfrented a problems urbans profundament arraigats of unemployment , delinquency of teenagers and drogadiction. His economy are oriented Europe and India. The principals partners economics are French, India and Italy. Compared with others countries, Senegal is very poor in natural resourcers: his principals income are fishing and turism. Senegal is one of the countries much industrialized wirh presency of multinacionals. The agricol sector is the 70% of the poblation senegalese, while the fishing is the principal source of the income.
Economia of my family
The family principalment lives of fields of corn, sorgo and cacauets and others types of cereals on they went all the members of the family from eigth o'clock to two o'clock and the other time worked individual fields.
All members of the family helped of father of the family. When did the pick was save in one graner for all year. When have a problem economic o when someone went married, the father puts the money and not have money he sell a cow for cover the spendings
Because this country form part of my. My father born in Senegal. I have very famaily there and in Spain. In the future I would liketravel in Senegal because I have see my family and the landscape
History of my father in senegal
My father born in Kahelbessel in 3 of May of 1966. In the age of six went to the school. The level of my father is primary, because he have problems of language, he speak Fula ( language of the zone) and the language principal is french. Even that my father always working in agriculture ramadery and help his mom in house working.When he was teenager, in the holidays of summer he give water at the cows. In the free time he was dedicated to hunt wirh his dogs rabits,boars and birds with one tirachinas. Too seacrh wood of his mather and fishing.When he was eigthteen, he working in a fields to cover personalspendings, he produced cotton. He haveicome anuals of 180€, at the same time he did buy and sale animals, goats for example and too sale leña
Organiced politic administartive
In 2009 Senegal account with 15 regions, 45 departaments, 46 comunas de distrito, 113 comunas of city and 370 towns rurals. The towns was diriged for one boss and are the cells basics of this organized. The regions are: Dakar, Diourbel, Fatick, Kaffrine, Kolda, Kedougou, Louga, Matam,Saint-Louis, Tambacounda, Kaolack, Sedhiou, Thies, Ziguinchor and Casamance
My father live in the region of Casamnace, departament of Kolda and comuna de distrito of Velengara and the town Kahelbessel.
Geografy of on my father lives
Senegal is situed in the part west of continent african.In the area on he live was very trees. It was a area with very vegetation, the most of the vegetation was eatable, for example trees frutarials and vegetable, are not cultivet. In resum mor or less are a zone selvatic. All it is in the first, later the franchutes and the italians cut the tress. Now is a sabana
Economy general of Senegal
In January of 1994, Senegal began one brave and ambicious program of reform economic. This reform began with 50% of devaluation of the coneis of Senegal. After saw “contraer” his economy 2,1% in 1993, Senegal has a important upturn, thanks program of reform, with one graw real in the PIB 5% annual during 1995-200
1. The inflation annual has reduced 1%, but grow 3,3% in 2001. The PIB grow 13,8% a 16,5% in 1997. The activitis privates now account 82% of the PIB. In the part negative, Senegal enfrented a problems urbans profundament arraigats of unemployment , delinquency of teenagers and drogadiction. His economy are oriented Europe and India. The principals partners economics are French, India and Italy. Compared with others countries, Senegal is very poor in natural resourcers: his principals income are fishing and turism. Senegal is one of the countries much industrialized wirh presency of multinacionals. The agricol sector is the 70% of the poblation senegalese, while the fishing is the principal source of the income.
Economia of my family
The family principalment lives of fields of corn, sorgo and cacauets and others types of cereals on they went all the members of the family from eigth o'clock to two o'clock and the other time worked individual fields.
All members of the family helped of father of the family. When did the pick was save in one graner for all year. When have a problem economic o when someone went married, the father puts the money and not have money he sell a cow for cover the spendings
dimecres, 17 de novembre del 2010
Camino (film)
Camino is a beautiful film, make in Spain in 2008.The movie during 142 minutes. This is a dramatic film, is that of a girl that has a illnes killing. This film have few Oscars and is based in echos reals of the life of Alexia Gonzaelz Barros, that now is die. This film begin ford-ward at the moment of Camino die and later takes us back fives months for can narrates the history. In the first Camino was a explisive girl, llena of energy and ganas of life the moment. She and all of hour family are very religious.Poco a poco the illnes was desarrolling and was killing Camino. The mather is a very extremist religiously, because she prefer the religiuos befores that his girl and not is very traditional . The father is much normal. Finally, Camino died in the hospital remember the boy his like. Is a movie that makes cry.
I think that is a very dramatic film, because is a really history and very sad.The film I see two times, the one with my granmather in house of my cousin and the second in my house with TV3.In the cover there are one phrase that I think that are interesting:"¿Quieres que reze para que tu tambien te mueras?"
There are sexism in publicity of toys?
Account for the 60% of the kids have a present influenciades of the publicity. The spanish kids are morr or les 3 hours whatcing TV. Here is where actuing de Asociacion para la Autorregulación de la Comunidad Comercial (Autocontrol), that revising the publicity. Normally, the company utilize the color red or blue for sell of the boys and the colour pink for sell the girls. Too utilized doll for sell the girls and cars remote controlled or figures of action for sell the boys. In the last Christmas, the 58,72% of the publicity of toys was sexist. Are the fathers are very imnportant, because have that education and selection the toys
This notice not afected me, because this publicity are drirged for a kids. In the past maiby afected me, although I not caprixos when I was a child.
dimarts, 16 de novembre del 2010
Dave Scott Mustaine
Dave mustaine was born in 13 of September of 1961 in California, composer, vocalist and first guitarrist of the band of Megadeth and ex-member of Metallica.
Mustaine was expulsed of Metallica and later formed Megadeth in 1983. Is considered one of the bests guitars in the world. I like who play guitar because is dinamic and very speed. For my the best song of Megadeth is Wake up dead.
Mustaine was rival of Metallica and Kerry King.
Mustaine began player guitar in finals of 70. With Megadeth Mustaine have 17 discs, the first is Killing is my business...and business is god and the last is Endgame. For my the best disc is Rust in peace...Polaris.
In 2003 Megadeth was disolded beacuse Mustanie has a problem in hour hand, but later reconciliened the band
The lightining
The lightning is a very stronger discharch electricity produced in a storm. The lightnings are produced when the clouds acumuled energyes negatives and the floor acumuled energyes positives. When are a storm, we are have this precautions:
-Disconecting phones and aparates electrodomestics
-Not touch objects metalics
-Evited long objects
There are six types of lightnings:
-Lightnings colud floor: is the much comun
-Lightnings pearl: this lightninig has divided in diferent parts and formed forms apparently pearls
-Lightnings Stacatto: has caracterized beacuse desprended one flash
-Lightnings bifurqued:has caracterized beacuse ramifiqued this way
-Lightnings floor-cloud: has caracterized because the ligthning began in floor and finish in cloud
-Lightnings cloud-cloud: has caracterized because began in this way only is in cloud
dimarts, 9 de novembre del 2010
Comparation of Teenagers and Adrian Mole
The two films seem because speech of life of teenagers and this problems. The two characters haven't good friends. The two have problems with his family,Tracy is a irresponsable girl and the mam are very concerned, but Adrian is much resposable but not like this family. The two have sex very soon, at the age fo 13. The two, in the first, are good estudiants but Tracy begin eat drugs and alcohol, this provoqued that Tracy descentralized of studies, Adrian are regular.
dilluns, 18 d’octubre del 2010
The dragon-flyes
The dragon-flyes are a insects of the order of odonata. Their food are buterflies, flys, bees and moths. Their habitat are rivers, lakes, puddles and wet lands . Their body fragile and their wing thin make dragon-flyes the more speed insect. Have a excelent see because their eye are make for 30000 facets. Their cycle life beetwen six months and seven yeras. When the dragon-flyes born, firts are nymph, and life in under of the water. Their breathing for gills.
The man of the dragon-flyes, for seduce at women, change his way of fly, and thewomen and the man begin of a reproduction. Recenctly discovered that dragon-flyes use a opticn ilusion for deceived his victims.
dimarts, 28 de setembre del 2010
Day of world of the rage
The Day of world of thr rage is in 28th of September. This day try that peolple knows the consequencies of this sickness. This sicknees kill 55000 persons all yeras, the promedy is one dead of ten minutes. The 95% the deths of the world is in Ásia or Africa. The animals have the rage and transmit persons when the animals bite. The persons that have probabilitis of sickness is the peolple that life in rurals zones and the kids poors. The power economic of the rage in desenvolupament countries is very up.
The day of the rage not afected me beacuse I not have a rage
The day of the rage not afected me beacuse I not have a rage
dilluns, 27 de setembre del 2010
Super mario Bros
Super Mario Bros is a game of platforms created for Shigeru Miynamoto in 13th of September of 1985 and produced of companyNintendo. The game describe the adventures of two fontaners (Mario and Luigi), the two fontaners have to do save the princess Peach in Reino Champiñon. This game popularizet Mario and became a character most famous of the games. The 13th of September of 2010 celebrate de 25 Aniversary of Mario. There are three characters importants: Luigi, Bowser and Peach, the other aren't important. The first enemy is the goombas, is a mushroom of color cofee, for win the goombas you jump it. The game have eight worlds with four levels. Koji Kondo did the sonor band. Aperes four tracks diferents in the game
dissabte, 25 de setembre del 2010
The power chinese in Spain
Now they aren't the minory discrete. Starting have a influence economic. In Spain there are 100.000 chineses. In Spain the people chinese has miltiply for six of 1991-2001 .In Sapin life young chineses, but when they are olders traveled in China. A 13000 chineses are empresaries and are very dinamics. In Spain there are 4000 restaurants chineses, 3200 shops of all to hundred, 1500 shops of fruits secs, etc. In total are 10000 business. The chineses don't ask money in the bancs, because the familys give money. The chineses don't have very life social, because they very working and the mafies advantage for them and exploted. In first times the chineses doing only restaurants, but with the time the competence obliged at the families chineses inverted in other business, for example in business textil and import-export.
I think that the immigrants chineses are god for Spain becauses they are very workings and this is gos for economy and I very like the fod chinese. Too we can learn the culture chinese.
This notice afected very inderectly for me match good afected for the economy of Spain.
I think that the immigrants chineses are god for Spain becauses they are very workings and this is gos for economy and I very like the fod chinese. Too we can learn the culture chinese.
This notice afected very inderectly for me match good afected for the economy of Spain.
divendres, 24 de setembre del 2010
A.D. Alcorcón
A.D. Alcorcón (agrupación deportiva Alcorcón) is a team of Spain. This team play in Second Division A of Liga Adelante. A.D. Alcorcón is from the comunity of Madrid. The club was funded in nineteen seventy one. The club is formed with players of madrid principalment. The team became famous because in Copa Del Rey the Alcorcon won Real Madrid for 4-0 in the estadium of Santo Domingo. The first smoking is: yellow T-shirt, yellow trousers and yellow socks too. The two smoking is: white T-shirt, withe trousers and wihte socks too. The three smoking is: dark blue T-shirt, dark blue trousers too and yellow socks.
The Stadium of Santo Domingo have capacity of five thousand persons, have a mesures of hundred five for sexty eight meters and natural grass. This is the first year that Alcorcon play in Second Division A
dilluns, 20 de setembre del 2010
Dream on (Michael Angelo Batio)
This song hasn't got words, it's instrumental. Batio plays alone. This song is in the disk of Hands Without Shadows in 2005 and it is song number six. It is a sad song. When I listen the song I feel relaxed.
Batio was born in California in 1956. He studied in Northeastern Illinois University. He began with group called Holland. The group wasn't famous. Later Batio formed another group, Nitro, but it wasn't famous either. Then Batio decided to play alone. He is considered the most fast play guitar of the world acording to the revist Guitar One. He was teacher of guitar of Tom Morello. He start play guitar when he was ten yeras. He can play two guitars, you can see in the image.
dilluns, 13 de setembre del 2010
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)