dimarts, 16 de novembre del 2010

The lightining

The lightning is a very stronger discharch electricity produced in a storm. The lightnings are produced when the clouds acumuled energyes negatives and the floor acumuled energyes positives. When are a storm, we are have this precautions:
-Disconecting phones and aparates electrodomestics
-Not touch objects metalics
-Evited long objects
There are six types of lightnings:
-Lightnings colud floor: is the much comun
-Lightnings pearl: this lightninig has divided in diferent parts and formed forms apparently pearls
-Lightnings Stacatto: has caracterized beacuse desprended one flash
-Lightnings bifurqued:has caracterized beacuse ramifiqued this way
-Lightnings floor-cloud: has caracterized because the ligthning began in floor and finish in cloud
-Lightnings cloud-cloud: has caracterized because began in this way only is in cloud

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