dimecres, 17 de novembre del 2010

Camino (film)

Camino is a beautiful film, make in Spain in 2008.The movie during 142 minutes. This is a dramatic film, is that of a girl that has a illnes killing. This film have few Oscars and is based in echos reals of the life of Alexia Gonzaelz Barros, that now is die. This film begin ford-ward at the moment of Camino die and later takes us back fives months for can narrates the history. In the first Camino was a explisive girl, llena of energy and ganas of life the moment. She and all of hour family are very religious.Poco a poco the illnes was desarrolling and was killing Camino. The mather is a very extremist religiously, because she prefer the religiuos befores that his girl and not is very traditional . The father is much normal. Finally, Camino died in the hospital remember the boy his like. Is a movie that makes cry.
I think that is a very dramatic film, because is a really history and very sad.The film I see two times, the one with my granmather in house of my cousin and the second in my house with TV3.In the cover there are one phrase that I think that are interesting:"¿Quieres que reze para que tu tambien te mueras?"

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