dissabte, 25 de setembre del 2010

The power chinese in Spain

Now they aren't the minory discrete. Starting have a influence economic. In Spain there are 100.000 chineses. In Spain the people chinese has miltiply for six of 1991-2001 .In Sapin life young chineses, but when they are olders traveled in China. A 13000 chineses are empresaries and are very dinamics. In Spain there are 4000 restaurants chineses, 3200 shops of all to hundred, 1500 shops of fruits secs, etc. In total are 10000 business. The chineses don't ask money in the bancs, because the familys give money. The chineses don't have very life social, because they very working and the mafies advantage for them and exploted. In first times the chineses doing only restaurants, but with the time the competence obliged at the families chineses inverted in other business, for example in business textil and import-export.
I think that the immigrants chineses are god for Spain becauses they are very workings and this is gos for economy and I very like the fod chinese. Too we can learn the culture chinese.
This notice afected very inderectly for me match good afected for the economy of Spain.

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