dijous, 18 de novembre del 2010

Oral presentation

Why I selected this country?

Because this country form part of my. My father born in Senegal. I have very famaily there and in Spain. In the future I would liketravel in Senegal because I have see my family and the landscape

History of my father in senegal

My father born in Kahelbessel in 3 of May of 1966. In the age of six went to the school. The level of my father is primary, because he have problems of language, he speak Fula ( language of the zone) and the language principal is french. Even that my father always working in agriculture ramadery and help his mom in house working.When he was teenager, in the holidays of summer he give water at the cows. In the free time he was dedicated to hunt wirh his dogs rabits,boars and birds with one tirachinas. Too seacrh wood of his mather and fishing.When he was eigthteen, he working in a fields to cover personalspendings, he produced cotton. He haveicome anuals of 180€, at the same time he did buy and sale animals, goats for example and too sale leña

Organiced politic administartive

In 2009 Senegal account with 15 regions, 45 departaments, 46 comunas de distrito, 113 comunas of city and 370 towns rurals. The towns was diriged for one boss and are the cells basics of this organized. The regions are: Dakar, Diourbel, Fatick, Kaffrine, Kolda, Kedougou, Louga, Matam,Saint-Louis, Tambacounda, Kaolack, Sedhiou, Thies, Ziguinchor and Casamance

My father live in the region of Casamnace, departament of Kolda and comuna de distrito of Velengara and the town Kahelbessel.

Geografy of on my father lives

Senegal is situed in the part west of continent african.In the area on he live was very trees. It was a area with very vegetation, the most of the vegetation was eatable, for example trees frutarials and vegetable, are not cultivet. In resum mor or less are a zone selvatic. All it is in the first, later the franchutes and the italians cut the tress. Now is a sabana

Economy general of Senegal

In January of 1994, Senegal began one brave and ambicious program of reform economic. This reform began with 50% of devaluation of the coneis of Senegal. After saw “contraer” his economy 2,1% in 1993, Senegal has a important upturn, thanks program of reform, with one graw real in the PIB 5% annual during 1995-200

1. The inflation annual has reduced 1%, but grow 3,3% in 2001. The PIB grow 13,8% a 16,5% in 1997. The activitis privates now account 82% of the PIB. In the part negative, Senegal enfrented a problems urbans profundament arraigats of unemployment , delinquency of teenagers and drogadiction. His economy are oriented Europe and India. The principals partners economics are French, India and Italy. Compared with others countries, Senegal is very poor in natural resourcers: his principals income are fishing and turism. Senegal is one of the countries much industrialized wirh presency of multinacionals. The agricol sector is the 70% of the poblation senegalese, while the fishing is the principal source of the income.

Economia of my family

The family principalment lives of fields of corn, sorgo and cacauets and others types of cereals on they went all the members of the family from eigth o'clock to two o'clock and the other time worked individual fields.

All members of the family helped of father of the family. When did the pick was save in one graner for all year. When have a problem economic o when someone went married, the father puts the money and not have money he sell a cow for cover the spendings

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