divendres, 24 de setembre del 2010

A.D. Alcorcón

A.D. Alcorcón (agrupación deportiva Alcorcón) is a team of Spain. This team play in Second Division A of Liga Adelante. A.D. Alcorcón is from the comunity of Madrid. The club was funded in nineteen seventy one. The club is formed with players of madrid principalment. The team became famous because in Copa Del Rey the Alcorcon won Real Madrid for 4-0 in the estadium of Santo Domingo. The first smoking is: yellow T-shirt, yellow trousers and yellow socks too. The two smoking is: white T-shirt, withe trousers and wihte socks too. The three smoking is: dark blue T-shirt, dark blue trousers too and yellow socks.
The Stadium of Santo Domingo have capacity of five thousand persons, have a mesures of hundred five for sexty eight meters and natural grass. This is the first year that Alcorcon play in Second Division A

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