dimecres, 17 de novembre del 2010

There are sexism in publicity of toys?

Account for the 60% of the kids have a present influenciades of the publicity. The spanish kids are morr or les 3 hours whatcing TV. Here is where actuing de Asociacion para la Autorregulación de la Comunidad Comercial (Autocontrol), that revising the publicity. Normally, the company utilize the color red or blue for sell of the boys and the colour pink for sell the girls. Too utilized doll for sell the girls and cars remote controlled or figures of action for sell the boys. In the last Christmas, the 58,72% of the publicity of toys was sexist. Are the fathers are very imnportant, because have that education and selection the toys
This notice not afected me, because this publicity are drirged for a kids. In the past maiby afected me, although I not caprixos when I was a child.

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