dilluns, 18 d’octubre del 2010

The dragon-flyes

The dragon-flyes are a insects of the order of odonata. Their food are buterflies, flys, bees and moths. Their habitat are rivers, lakes, puddles and wet lands . Their body fragile and their wing thin make dragon-flyes the more speed insect. Have a excelent see because their eye are make for 30000 facets. Their cycle life beetwen six months and seven yeras. When the dragon-flyes born, firts are nymph, and life in under of the water. Their breathing for gills.
The man of the dragon-flyes, for seduce at women, change his way of fly, and thewomen and the man begin of a reproduction. Recenctly discovered that dragon-flyes use a opticn ilusion for deceived his victims.

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