-Observing your SPACE, can you see an improvement on your level of English since September 2010? Where, for example?
I can see that I improvement a little. The diference is that I have much vocabulary and I writing with much fluidese and much continous. One example is that now I do the sentences much large.
-Which activity best shows your level of English? I thing that the activity that show my level was the oral exam, because is the maximum that i can do.
-Which activities were really Useful for you to improve your English? Why?
My opinion is that the blog is the best tool because I writing there many times and with the time I can learn.
-Which activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not?I don't konw, I thing that all result util, and the continuity is the important.
-Which activities did you enjoy doing and would like to do again next year?Activities like this year, because I think that it is cash
dimecres, 8 de juny del 2011
Final reflection
dilluns, 6 de juny del 2011

Two firends, Agustin and Mery, met in a park and Agus saya t mery:
-Hello Mery, how are you?
-I’m fine, thanks, and you?
-I’m not good
-Because I have a problem. The last week I stolen in a bank half milion dolars, I stolen in a house ten thousen dolars. With this Money, I buy cocaine and I sned in Colombia and the police hnow it and tommorrow is the judice
-.What!!!?? You are crazy???
-Wait! Waiy! I do this because the mafia obligad my, if I didn’t, they Hill my family and torturing my hard.
Agus begin of cry
-Oh sorry. Well, goodbye, see later.
-And Mery go his way in the time that Agus cry and from the impotente he suicided
divendres, 3 de juny del 2011
In 2015 there will 15000 milions of TV with internet

The television with internet will a essential electrodomestic in the future, agree the predictions of the director of the 'Future Casting & Experience Research' on Intel, Brian Johnson. The televiosion will diferent of the actually television. The television will a mix of games, aplications and social network. The principal diference is that the people will can socializet with friends and will can study, in general serve to conected in the world. This televisions will have a intelegent program that can at the user to choose the programm that must like he, and with this program the publicity will come to the user.
This televisions will positives in the world in my opinion. For my too will positive because will have PC and TV in one machine
Eduardo Punset Casals

dijous, 2 de juny del 2011
EE UU put at Spain in the five countries much "pirates"

This is a "problem" that share with Canadá, China, Rusia and Ucrania. This comite (IAPC) is formed with seventy senators and analyzed the illegal downloads of music and the films in all of the world and say that Spain go the good way legislatively
The worse country is China, that lose 35000 milions of euros, a terrorific number. The IAPC is lamented for the situation of Spain, because they know that Spain lack to arms for combat this problem
This problem don't afected me,otherwise, beneficied me because I can download music free. In the world, in general is negative because the autor lose very money
dimecres, 1 de juny del 2011
The 46% of uneployment have one year of searching work

The 46% of uneployment have one year of searching woork, 10% much than the last year. This people, the majority can become excluied. This is a very sad notice, bur is true. The people that have 5 or 4 years searching woork fail in a very desmotivated and destructuration personal. The uneploiment in Spain arrived almost 5 milions, a painful number, result of the bad managament of the governament. I remember once that Zapatero says "the uneploiment don't will arrived at the 4 million, an now I think "are you fucking kiding me?". In one document of Caritas say that the catholic church formed 83.952 persons, and the 20% meet woork. What a surprise!. The type of uneploiment that go to Caritas are womens and imigrant between 25 and 35 years with a basic level of formation. The causes of uneployment are much deep than it looks, because how begin to study someone that haven't to eat?.
Much of uneployment are in the black market, because is the only option. If one person can't life worthily with the way legal, doesn't have much options that trafic or things of this way.
This reality afected in the world negativament because if one country have a crisis, this crisis expanded. This notice afected negativament at me too because if the contry goes wrong, idirectament I groes wrong mor or less.
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