dissabte, 5 de març del 2011

Review: American pie

Four boys has obsesioneited for lose the virginity and do a pact for help: all have fornicate before began the university. His ultim oportunity are dance of graduation. This day, Jim,
lose with Nadia, and decided fornicated with the boring Michelle. For his part, Oz discovered this part much sentimental and he enamored for Heather. Finch forniqued wtih the mother of Stifler. For last, Kevin, forniqued with Vicky, but wasn't easy because Vicky has fear to sex

Oral presentation


India is a country of Asia of suth. Is the second most pobled country. His frontiers are ocean indic and Pakistan and China. Is a region historic for his comercial routes and big empires. Four of the religiuous most important in the world are from India: the hinduism, budism,jainism and sijism. England conquisted India in the nineteen century and was independized in nineteen fourty seven

Organization territorial and geografy

India is formed for twenty eight estats. All of estats choose his president and legislatures for the model of Westminister.Seventy five milions of years ago the plaque of India colisioned of plaque of Asia. The colision fored the bigest mountain in the world, Himalaia. Almost all of the rivers of India born In Himalaia.

In the parts west of India are the swamp Rann the Kutch. The clima are very influenced for Himalaia and the desert of Thar. The Himalia defended India of thecold wind and the desert brought dampness, in this way, India is a hot country


Since ninteen fifty until ninteen eighty the econmy have tendencies socialist. In nineteen ninety one the economy became a capitalist. The PIB up six for one hundred. Apart from India have the power of working more big of the world. The agriculture represent the twenty eight for one hundred of the PIB and the industtry represent the fivety four and the eighteen respectivament. The principal industry are textile, chemical, and steel. The estadics speak of the PIB multiplicqued for four in two thousen twenty


India have eleven sexty milions habitants, is the second county much pobled in the world. The habitants urbans multipliqued for eleven in century twenty. In two thousen one was theerty five citys with much one milion of habitants. India have two big families linguistics: the indio-aria (speaked for the seventy four for one hundred of the habitants) and the dravida (speaked for the twenty four for one hundred of the habitants. The english is utilized in negotiate and the high teaching. The eighty for one hundred of habitants are hindus, the theerteen are musulmans, the two are cristians and the one are budists.

The Ornithorhynchus anatinus

This is a type of mammalian of thw west of Australia.
The ornitorrinco have beak of duck, tail of castor and legs of nutria. Put egs . Is a one of the litle mammalian that are poisonus.
In the beginin of century XX the people hunter he but now are proibed hunter he. The first discovered was in 1798 for John Hunter.
Morfology: in general are brown in the part of up, and in the abdomen are blond. The tail is similar at the castor, but the ornitorrinco use the tail for swiming in the water and is a warehouse of fat too. Have the half of parts olfativs that the mammalian, but the ornitorrinco can sniff in the down of thw water

The governament invest 1.151 milions for save energy

The Consejo of ministres aproved this friday one numerical sequence of ways of save energy.
This sequences reduce 5% the importaments of fuel and the invest are 1151 milions of euros. One of this sequences is reduced the speed in the autopists for 110 kilomiters and reduced 5% the price of the RENFE. This sequences during for the 30 of June.
The plans afected 20 ways that afected the transort public. Spain import the 75% of energy that consume and supered the midle of Europe. As well save energy, with this plans will avoid to throw with the atmosfera 12,5 milions of toneladas of CO2

dimecres, 2 de març del 2011

USA send two ship of war in Libia (2-3-11)

USA send two ship of war in Libia with 2000 tripulants. The objective is reforced the the capacity of evacuation and the help humanity. One of the ships, Kearsarge, take 400 tripulants of the Afganistan.
The second ship is the Pnce a boat that suporrt only 3 marines, although can take 800 in cas of danger.
The govern of USA study the posibility of began a war with Libia.
The Special Air Service are prepare for the control of 10 toneladas of gas mostaza that are almacened in 3 diferents places.